What is the purpose of creating an #invitationtoplay setup for your child at home or in the classroom?!

These inviting playscapes encourage children to use their imagination with themed materials and setups.
What are the benefits of sensory play?
Helps with Language Development
Engaging the senses through sensory play helps children to begin using descriptive words to communicate what they are feeling, what they are doing and what they are experiencing.
Fine Motor Skills
Children develop their fine motor skills through sensory play by building, mixing, stacking, posting and pouring.
Gross Motor Skills
Sensory play can also provide children with an opportunity to physical movement: jumping, walking, throwing, running, crawling, etc.
Social Interaction
Sensory play can invite children to interact with one another, learn how to communicate with each other and play pretend together.
Cognitive Growth
Sensory play invites children to use problem-solving skills and ask critical questions: Why, How, Where, etc. It leads children to explore and engage in critical thinking.

So, how can you engage in sensory play?
Sensory Bins
Finger Painting
Outdoor Play
Water Play
Musical Instruments
Food Play
Check out our invitation to play and tinker tray kits in the shop! Take a journey into play!